St. Louis Wedding, Event and Portrait Photography

Holiday Family Mini Session Marathon

We love year after year to be a part of Family Holiday Traditions.  Here’s what we captured this year for many of our clients’ Holiday cards.  Such an honor and joy!

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Megan + Jeff’s Wedding Day!

Such a wonderful couple on such a beautiful day! A gorgeous Zoo reception with even a special guest, a seal friend, who made an appearance just to say Hello to the new bride and groom.

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Jessica + Nathan’s Fall Themed Wedding Day!

Remember just a few months ago when the leaves were beautiful shades of gold, red and orange. Our bride Jessica loves Fall and she timed it perfectly to have the rich color as a backdrop for her special day. Take a peek and go back in time to consistent moderate temperatures and lush vibrant color. Reception + Ceremony at Bear Creek Golf Club.


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Stephanie & Zach’s Engagement Session

We originally met Stephanie several years ago when we had the privilege to photograph her sister Kim’s wedding.  Now it’s Stephanie’s turn and we are so excited she decided we were a must have for the big day!  Stephanie & Zach’s Engagement Session took place in Tower Grove Park on a gorgeous Fall day!   They were both a little nervous at first being in front of the camera, but regardless did great!  Can’t wait to photograph their wedding day in October 2015!


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Davidson Extended Family Holiday Session

So excited and fun to see the Davidson family again for their annual family photos scheduled each year the day after Thanksgiving! Michelle Davidson, host of KC Live, in the past has shown her family photos on her show. We will definitely be on the look out. How exciting! Thank you for making Artistic Soup Photography part of your family traditions!

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