St. Louis Wedding, Event and Portrait Photography

Jacob’s Bar Mitzvah Sneak Peek


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Parker’s Bar Mitzvah

Highlights from Parker’s Bar Mitzvah Celebrations! #barmitzvah #barmitzvahphotography #stlouisbarmitzvah #stlouisbarmitzvahphotography #stlouisbarmitzvahphotographerParker000 Parker007SM Parker011SM
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Oliver’s Bar Mitzvah

A sneak peek of this special young man’s special day at Temple Israel in Creve Coeur. How lucky am I do work with such great families. #barmitzvah sneak peek #barmitzvahphotography #barmitzvahphotographer #stlouisphotography #stlouisphotographer

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Samantha’s Bat Mitzvah

This beautiful young woman finally was able to celebrate her Bat Mitzvah this past Saturday that was originally scheduled in May. She did amazingly and her singing voice is just as beautiful as she is! Mazel Tov!

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The Triplets Bar Mitzvah

Congratulations to the Triplets on their weekend Bar Mitzvah celebrations! Wonderful young men including big brother too that I have had the honor to photograph over the years. Their love for capturing memories and photography shines through. #stlouisfamilyphotography #stlouisportraitphotography #artisticsoup #sneakpeek
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